Henry G. Grabowski

Henry G. Grabowski has been at Duke University since 1972, where he is Professor of Economics and Director of the Program in Pharmaceuticals and Health Economics. He received his undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics at Lehigh University in 1962 and Ph.D. in economics from Princeton University in 1967. He has also served on the faculty of Yale University, and held visiting appointments at the Health Care Financing Administration in Washington, D.C., and the International Institute of Management in Berlin, Germany. Professor Grabowski has published numerous studies on the pharmaceutical industry, with his principal research involving the economics of the innovation process, business regulation, and industrial organization. He has investigated the economics of pharmaceutical research and been an adviser and consultant to several organizations including the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine, the Federal Trade Commission, the General Accounting Office, and the Office of Technology Assessment.
Recent Research
Longer Patents for Increased Generic Competion: The Waxman-Hatch Act after One Decade
R and D Costs, Innovative Output and Firm Size in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Price and Profit Control, New Competitive Dynamics, and the Economics of Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The Use of Cost Effectiveness Analyses by Pharmaceutical Benefit Managers

Office Information
Office hrs:
318 Social Sciences
(919) 660-1839
(919) 684-8974

Selected Publications
Health Reform and Pharmaceutical Innovation, 1994
"Brand Loyalty, Entry and Price Competion in Pharmaceuticals after the 1984 Drug Act" (with J. Vernon), Journal of Law and Economics, 1992
"A New Look at the Returns and Risks of Pharmaceutical R and D" (with J. Vernon), Management Science, 1990
"Pioneers, Imitators and Generics -- A Simulation Model of Schumpeterian Competion" (with J. Vernon), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1987

Course Descriptions
Current Issues in Economics (Econ 201S)
Regulation And Industrial Economics (Econ 206S)
Workshop in Industial Organization and Regulation (Econ 380)

Prof. Grabowski's Vita

Duke Economics Department, WWW Resource.
Last modified: Mon Jun 16 10:23:54 EDT 2003