Christopher Timmins
Business Address
Department of Economics, Duke University
209 Social Sciences Building
P.O. Box 90097
Durham, North Carolina 27708-0097
(919) 660-1809
Web page:
- Duke
University, Department of
Economics, Professor, July 2012 - Present
- Duke
University, Department of
Economics, Associate Professor, September 2004 - June 2012
- Duke
University, Nicholas School of the Environment,
Secondary Appointment, September 2004 - Present
- Yale
University, Department of
Economics, Associate Professor, May 2002 - June 2004
- Yale
University, Department of
Economics, Assistant Professor, July 1997 - May 2002
- Yale
University, School
of Forestry and Environmental
Studies, Courtesy Appointment, January 2001 - June 2004
- Yale
University, Economic Growth
Center, Affiliated Faculty,
September 1999 - June 2004
- Stanford
University, Ph.D. Economics,
October 1997
Dissertation: "Price as a Policy Tool For Dynamic Resource Allocation",
Adviser: Professor Frank Wolak
- Georgetown
University, BSFS in
International Economics, Summa Cum Laude, December 1991
Honors, Awards, and Fellowships
- Professeur Invites, Toulouse School
of Economics, May-June 2015
- 2010 Ralph C. d'Arge and Allen
V. Kneese Award for Outstanding Publication in the Journal of Environmental
Economics and Management
- Teaching Evaluations in Top 5% of
All Duke Undergraduate Instructors, Fall 2010
- NBER Research Associate, April 2009 - Present
- NBER Faculty Research Fellow, September 2007 - March 2009
- 2002 DeVane
Medal for Distinguished Scholarship and Teaching in Yale
- Honorable Mention, Graduate
Advisor of the Year, Yale University Department of Economics
- Yale
University Morse Mellon Junior
Faculty Leave Fellowship
- Yale
University Social Science
Research Fellowship
- Resources For The Future,
Joseph L. Fisher Dissertation Fellowship
- Center for Economic Policy
Research, Harry and Lynne Bradley Dissertation Research Fellowship
- Honorable Mention,
Outstanding Teaching Assistant, Stanford Economics Department
- Jacob K. Javits
Graduate Fellowship
- Georgetown
School of Foreign Service,
1992 Graduation Award in Economics
- Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society,
Georgetown University
Funded Research
- Duke-RTI FLARE Grant: Shale Gas
Development and Air Quality
- EPA Brownfields Analytical and
Technical Contract II (EP-W-07-023)
- New Approaches to Assessing the
Benefits of the Superfund Program, EPA PO# EP09W001911
Technical Contract II (EP-W-07-023)
- National Science Foundation
Grant #SES-0721136, with Patrick Bayer and Robert MacMillan
- National Science Foundation
Grant #SES-0137289, with Patrick Bayer
Editorial Activities
- Co-Editor -- Journal of the Association of Environmental
and Resource Economists
- Board of Editors -- American Economic Review
- Co-Editor -- Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management, 2010-2013
- Guest Editor, BE Press Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy
2009 Special Issue
University and Departmental Service
- Pre-Major Academic Advisor (2014 - Present)
- Duke Energy Initiative, Faculty Advisory Committee (2012 - Present)
- Ph.D. Placement Director, Department of Economics (2011 - 2014)
- Director, Economics Center for Teaching (EcoTeach) (2008 - 2010)
- Chair, Economics Junior Recruiting Committee (2009 - 2010)
- Academic Council (2007 - 2010)
- Energy and the Environment Educational Initiative Working Group (2007 - Present)
- University Program on Environmental Policy Steering Committee (2009 - Present)
- Social Sciences Research Institute Advisory Board (2007 - Present)
- Undergraduate Certificate in Energy and the Environment, Oversight Committee (2007 - Present)
- Social Sciences Research Institute Steering Committee (2007 - 2009)
- Director, Micro-Incentives Research Center (2005 - 2009)
- University Information Technology Advisory Council (2005-07)
- Economics Department Microeconomics Junior/Senior Recruiting (2005-06)
- Sanford
School of Public Policy Recruiting (2005-06)
- Economics Department Executive Committee (2005-06, 2007 - Present)
Research Interests
- Environmental Economics
- Industrial Organization
- Public Economics
- Development Economics
- Urban/Regional Economics
Publications and Working Papers
- "A Dynamic Model of Demand
for Houses and Neighborhoods," with Patrick Bayer, Robert McMillan, and
Alvin Murphy. Forthcoming at Econometrica. Paper in
PDF Format
- "The Housing Market Impacts of
Shale Gas Development" with Lucija Muehlenbachs and Elisheba Spiller.
American Economic Review. 105(12):3633-3659.
- "White Flight and Coming to the Nuisance: Can Residential
Mobility Explain Environmental Injustice?" with Brooks Depro and Maggie O'Neil. Journal of the
Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Vol.2, No.3 (2015):439-468.
- "Environmental Regulations and the Welfare Effects of Job Layoffs
in the United States: A Spatial Approach," with Nicolai V. Kuminoff and Todd Schoellman. Review of
Environmental Economics and Policy. Vol.9, No.2 (2015):198-218.
- "The Effect of Gasoline Taxes and Public
Transit Investments on Driving Patterns," with Elisheba Spiller, Heather Stephens, and
Alison Smith. Environmental and Resource Economics. Vol.59, No.4 (2014):633-657.
- "Estimating Network Economies in Retail
Chains: A Revealed Preference Approach," with Stephanie Houghton and Paul Ellickson.
RAND Journal of Economics. Vol.44, No.2 (2013):169-193.
- "The New Economics of Equilibrium Sorting and Policy
Evaluation Using Housing Markets," with Nicolai Kuminoff and Kerry Smith.
Journal of Economic Literature. Vol.51, No.4 (2013):1007-1062.
- "Does Cleanup of Hazardous Waste Sites Raise Housing Values?
Evidence of Spatially Localized Benefits," with Shanti Gamper-Rabindran.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Vol.65, No.3 (2013):345-360.
- "Roy Model Sorting and the Value of a Statistical
Life," with Thomas Deleire and Shakeeb Khan. International Economic Review. Vol.54, No.1
- "A Rational Expectations Approach to Hedonic
Price Regressions with Time-Varying Unobserved Product Attributes: The Price of Pollution,"
with Patrick Bajari, Jane Cooley Fruehwirth, Kyoo Il Kim. American Economic Review.
Volume 102, Issue 5 (2012):1898-1926.
- "Residential Mobility and Ozone Exposure:
Challenges for Environmental Justice Policy," with Brooks Depro. In
The Political Economy of Environmental Justice, H. Spencer Banzhaf (ed.). Stanford
University Press (2012).
- "Hazardous Waste Cleanup, Neighborhood Gentrification,
and Environmental Justice: Evidence from Restricted Access Census Block Data," with Shanti Gamper-Rabindran.
American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings. Volume 101, Issue 3 (2011):620-624.
- "Nonparametric Identification and
Estimation in a Roy Model with Common Nonpecuniary Returns," with Patrick Bayer and Shakeeb Khan.
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Volume 29, Issue 2 (2011):201-215.
- "The impact of piped water provision
on infant mortality in Brazil: A quantile panel data approach," with Shanti Gamper-Rabindran
and Shakeeb Khan. Journal of Development Economics, Volume 92, Issue 2 (2010):188-200.
- "Climate Change and Conservation in
Brazil: CGE Evaluation of Health and Wealth Impacts," with Subhrendu K. Pattanayak, Martin T. Ross,
Brooks M. Depro, Simone C. Bauch, Kelly J. Wendland, and Keith Alger. The B.E. Journal of Economic
Analysis & Policy, Vol. 9 : Iss. 2 (Contributions), Article 6 (2009).
- "How Do Gas Prices Affect
Fleet Fuel Economy?" with Shanjun Li and Roger von Haefen. American Economic Journal:
Economic Policy Volume 1, Issue 2 (2009):113-37.
- "Reduced-Form versus
Structural Modeling in Environmental and Resource Economics,"
with Wolfram Schlenker. Annual Review of Resource Economics,
Vol.1 (2009):351-380.
- "Connecting Lagging and Leading
Regions: The Role of Labor Mobility," with Somik Lall and Shoyue Yu.
Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, pp.151-174, The Brookings
Institution, Washington, D.C., 2009.
- "Agglomeration Effects
in Foreign Direct Investment and the 'Pollution Havens' Hypothesis,"
with Ulrich Wagner. Environmental and Resource
Economics, Vol.43 (June 2009):231-256.
- "Migration and Hedonic
Valuation: The Case of Air Quality," with Nathaniel Keohane and Patrick Bayer. Journal
of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol.58, no.1 (July 2009):
- "A Revealed Preference
Approach to the Measurement of Congestion in Travel Cost Models,"
with Jennifer Murdock. Journal of Environmental Economics and
Management, Vol.53, Issue 2 (March 2007):230-249.
- "If You Can't Take the
Heat, Get Out of the Cerrado... Recovering the
Equilibrium Amenity Cost of Non-Marginal Climate Change in Brazil,"
Journal of Regional Science, Vol.47, Issue 1 (February 2007):
- "Estimating Equilibrium
Models of Sorting Across Locations," with Patrick Bayer. Economic
Journal, Vol.117, Issue 518 (March 2007):353-374.
- "Endogenous Land Use and
the Ricardian Valuation of Climate Change," Environmental
and Resource Economics, Volume 33, Issue 1 (January 2006):119-142.
- "Estimating Spatial
Differences in the Brazilian Cost-of-Living With
Household Location Choices," Journal of Development Economics,
Volume 80, Issue 1 (June 2006):59-83.
- "On the Equilibrium
Properties of Locational Sorting Models,"
with Patrick Bayer. Journal of Urban Economics, Volume 57
- "How Do Changes in
Welfare Law Affect Domestic Violence? An Analysis of Connecticut Towns,
1990 - 2000," with Jennifer Nou. Journal
of Legal Studies, Volume 34, Issue 2 (June 2005):445-470.
- "Estimable Equilibrium
Models of Locational Sorting and Their Role in
Development Economics," Journal of Economic Geography,
Volume 5 (January 2005):83-100.
- "Demand-Side Technology
Standards Under Inefficient Pricing Regimes: Are They Effective Water
Conservation Tools in the Long-Run?" Environmental and Resource
Economics, Volume 26, Issue 1 (September 2003):107-124.
- "Does the Median Voter
Consume Too Much Water? Analyzing the Redistributive Role of Residential
Water Bills," National Tax Journal, Volume
LV, Issue 4
(December 2002):687-702.
- "Measuring the Dynamic
Efficiency Costs of Regulators' Preferences: Municipal Water Utilities in
the Arid West," Econometrica,
Volume 70, Issue 2 (March 2002):603-629.
Working Papers
- "The Impact of the Fracking Boom on
Rents in Pennsylvania?" with Lucija Muehlenbachs,
Elisheba Spiller, and Andrew Steck (2015). Paper in PDF Format
- "Shale Gas Development and Air
Quality: Proposed Pilot Project in the Greater Triangle Area of North Carolina That
Explores Joint Educational Collaborations and a Business Model for Innovative Small
Scale Air Quality Services." with Brooks Depro, Elaine Hill, et al. (2015).
Paper in PDF Format
- "Shale Gas Leases: Is bargaining efficient and
what are the implications for homeowners if it is not?" with Ashley Vissing (2014).
Paper in PDF Format
- "Estimating the Impacts of Brownfield Remediation on Housing
Property Values" with Kevin Haninger and Lala Ma. Nicholas Institute Working Paper No. EE 12-08 (2012).
Paper in PDF Format
- "Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Estimating
Marginal Willingness to Pay for Differentiated Products Without Instrumental Variables," with Kelly Bishop (2011).
Paper in PDF Format
Teaching and Advising Activity
Courses Taught (Duke University)
- Economics 201, Intermediate Microeconomics
- Economics 339, Environmental
- Economics 339, Environmental
Justice: The Economics of Race, Place, and Pollution
- Economics 881.09, Non-Market Valuation
- Economics 881.10, Externalities and Pigouvian Policy
Graduate Advising -- Past Advisees
Guenter Hitsch
(University of Chicago GSB), Minchul Kim (Korean
Research Institute), Marcela Melendez (Deputy Director, Fedesarrollo,
Bogata, Columbia), Nickolay
Moshkin (Cornerstone Economic Consulting, NY),
Jennifer Murdock (University of Toronto), Katja Seim (Wharton), Matthias Schuendeln
(Harvard University), Juan Carranza (University of
Wisconsin), Jane Cooley (University of Wisconsin), Shanjun Li (SUNY Stony Brook),
Kelly Bishop (Wash U. Olin School), Patrick Dudley (GAO), Stephen Finger (U South Carolina),
Stephanie Houghton (Texas A&M), Alvin Murphy (Wash U. Olin School), Denis Nekipelov (UC Berkeley),
Katherine Dickinson (RWJ Fellowship), Junjie Zhang (UC San Diego), Andrea Szabo (University of
Houston), Ling Huang (University of Connecticut), Elisheba Spiller (Resources for the Future),
Emily Wang (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), Nujin Prasertsom (CER-ETH, Zurich), Elliot
Anenberg (Federal Reserve Board), Ralph Mastromonaco (U of Washington), Tatyana Kuzmenko (William
and Mary), Peter Maniloff (Colorado School of Mines), Songman Kang (Hanyang University), Evan Peet (Harvard
School of Public Health Post-Doc), Lala Ma (U of Kentucky), David Bielen (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
Graduate Advising -- Current Advisees
Ashley Vissing, Yanyou Chen, Jie-Sheng Tan, Diego Herrera Garcia, Yifang Guo
Conference Participation
IGC Conference on Energy and Growth,
U.K. (November 2015) -- Discussant
Kraks Fond Conference on Residential Location Choice,
Denmark (October 2015) -- Organizer and Presenter
UCLA Ziman Center Urban Economics and Real Estate Conference,
Los Angeles,
California (April 2015) -- Presenter
NBER Spring Meetings (EEE),
Cambridge, Massachusetts (March 2015) -- Presenter
IZA Workshop: Labor Market Effects of Environmental
Policies, Bonn, Germany (September 2014) -- Presenter
NBER Summer Institute (EEE),
Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2013) -- Discussant
AERE North American Meetings,
Banff, Alberta (June 2013) -- Presenter
Scottish Institute for Research in Economics, Short Course
on Hedonic Methods, Stirling, Scotland (July 2012)
NBER Summer Institute (EEE),
Cambridge, Massachusetts (July 2011) -- Presenter
SIRE Environmental Economics Camp,
Stirling, Scotland (March 2011) -- Keynote Presenter
Census RDC Network Annual Research Conference, College
Park, Maryland (November 2010) -- Presenter
2010 Havlicek Memorial Lecture, The Ohio State
University Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (May, 2010)
-- Presenter
NBER Spring Meeting (EEE), Cambridge, Massachusetts
(March, 2010) -- Discussant
Conference on Heterogeneity
of the Value of Statistical Life, Nashville, Tennessee (March, 2009)
-- Presenter
AEA Annual Meetings, San Francisco, California (January, 2009)
-- Discussant
NBER Winter Meetings (EEE/IO),
Stanford, California (February 2008) -- Presenter
Minnesota Applied Micro Workshop,
Minneapolis, Minnesota (October 2007) -- Presenter
Triangle Resource and Environmental Economics Workshop,
Raleigh, North Carolina (September 2007) -- Presenter
Colorado University Environmental and Resource Economics Workshop,
Vail, Colorado (September 2007) -- Presenter
NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge,
Massachusetts (July 2007) -- Presenter
2007 North American Summer Meetings of the Econometric Society,
Durham, North Carolina
(June 2007) -- Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair
National Research Council
Symposium on Linking Environmental Research and the Behavioral and Social Sciences,
Washington, DC (April, 2007) -- Presenter
Resources for the Future
Conference on the Frontiers of Environmental Economics, Washington, DC (February, 2007) --
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics, Stanford,
California (July, 2006) -- Presenter
Econometrics Society Summer Meetings, Minneapolis, Minnesota
(June, 2006) -- Presenter
AEA Annual Meetings, Boston, Massachusetts (January, 2006)
-- Discussant
North Carolina State University: Camp Resources,
Wilmington, North Carolina (August 2005) -- Presenter
NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge,
Massachusetts (July 2005) -- Presenter
AAEA Annual Meetings, Providence,
Rhode Island (July 2005) -- Discussant
University Environmental and
Resource Economics Workshop, Vail, Colorado
(October 2004) -- Keynote Speaker
Brown University
S4 Colloquia Series, Providence, Rhode
Island (September 2004) -- Invited Lecturer
North Carolina
State University:
Camp Resources,
Wilmington, North Carolina
(August 2004) -- Discussant
AERE Summer Workshop 2004: Distributional
Effects of Environmental Policy, Estes Park, Colorado
(June 2004) -- Presenter
4th Annual Public Economic Theory Conference, Durham,
North Carolina (June 2003) -- Presenter
WIDER Conference on Inequality, Poverty and
Human Well-Being, Helsinki, Finland
(May 2003) -- Presenter
Workshop on Equilibrium Modeling Approaches at
the Boundaries of Industrial Organization, Public Economics, and Environmental
Economics, Stanford, California
(February 2003) -- Presenter
WIDER Conference on Spatial Inequality in Latin
America, Puebla,
Mexico (Nov 2002) --
IPEA Conference -- Diferenciais
de Salarios no Brasil, Brasilia,
Brazil (Nov 2002) --
NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge,
Massachusetts (Aug 2002) -- Discussant
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics, Stanford,
California (August 2001) -- Presenter
Inter-American Development Bank Conference on
Social Exclusion, Mexico City, Mexico
(July 2001) -- Presenter
Potential Economic and Technological Impacts of
Climate Change and Agricultural Research on Land Use and Productivity in
PROCISUR Countries, São Paulo,
Brazil (Dec 2000) --
Symposium on Water Resource Management:
Efficiency, Equity, and Policy, Nicosia, Cyprus
(Sep 2000) -- Presenter and Discussant
International Consortium on Agricultural
Biotechnology Research, Ravello,
Italy (Aug 2000) --
Presenter & Discussant
International Conference on Quantile
Regressions, Konstanz,
Germany (June 2000) --
Cowles Conference on Strategy and Decision Making,
New Haven, Connecticut
(May 2000) -- Presenter
Johns Hopkins
Applied Microeconomics Conference, Baltimore, Maryland
(Apr 2000) -- Presenter
XXI Encontro Brasileiro de Econometria, Belem, Brazil
(Dec 1999) -- wrote and taught short-course: "Structural Models in
Environmental Economics"
Núcleo de Estudos e Modelos Espaciais Sistêmicos Pronex Conference, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil (Dec 1999) --
NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge,
Massachusetts (Aug 1999) -- Presenter
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics, Stanford,
California (July 1998) -- Presenter
NBER Winter Productivity Group Meeting, Cambridge,
Massachusetts (Dec 1997) -- Discussant
Posted 20 January 2016