News Links

Sydney Morning HeraldSydney Morning Herald

Australian Financial ReviewAustralian Financial Review

Guardian.gif  The Guardian

nytlogo.gif  The New York Times


Academic Links

Medium Colour CrestDepartment of Economics, University of Oxford

sjc_logo.gifSt John’s College, Oxford

oxford_man Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance

Dept of Economics, University of California, San DiegoDepartment of Accounting and Finance, LSE

Dept of Economics, University of California, San DiegoFinancial Markets Group, LSE

Dept of Economics, University of California, San DiegoDepartment of Economics, UCSD
ROGER logoROGER Catalogue at UCSD SS&H Library

University of Technology, SydneySchool of Finance and Economics, UTS

JSTORJSTOR - Online Journal Article Database



Recreation and Entertainment Links

The San Diego ReaderThe San Diego Reader

San Diego SidewalkSan Diego Sidewalk


America's finest news source: The OnionAmerica's finest news source: The Onion

The Modern HumoristThe Modern Humorist


Friends, Co-authors, Countrymen

Andrew Ang


Max Auffhammer


Xiaohong Chen


Amil Dasgupta


Rob Engle


Yanqin Fan

Raffaella Giacomini


Sílvia Gonçalves


Lori Gordon


Clive Granger


Massimo Guidolin


Clive Granger


Pauline Kennedy


Tony Hall


Peter Hansen


Bruce Lehmann


Asger Lunde


Simone Manganelli


Antonio Mele


Roel Oomen


Brad Paye


Dimitris Politis


Tarun Ramadorai

Kevin Sheppard

Steve Sumner


Timo Teräsvirta


Allan Timmermann


Dan Vine


Michela Verardo

Hal White


Elliot Williams

Go to Andrew's main page.

Last Updated: October 2007.

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