Henry G. Grabowski Profile Continued

Recent Research

Selected Publications

"The Determinants of Industrial Research and Development Expenditures," Journal of Political Economy, 1968
"Demand Shifting, Optimal Firm Growth and Rule of Thumb Decision-making," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1970
"Life Cycle Effects of Corporate Returns on Retentions," (with D. Mueller), Review of Economics and Statistics, 1975
Drug Regulation and Innovation, 1976
"Consumer Product Safety Regulatory" (with J. Vernon), American Economic Review, 1978
"Industrial Research and Development, Intangible Capital Stocks, and Firm Profit Rates" (with D. Mueller), Bell Journal, 1978
"Auto Safety Regulation: An Analysis of Market Failure" (with R. Arnould), Bell Journal, 1981
The Regulation of Pharmaceuticals: Balancing the Benefits and Risks (with John Vernon), 1983
"Longer Patents for Lower Irrtitation Barriers: The 1984 Drug Act," American Economic Review, 1986
"An Analysis of U.S. International Competitiveness in Pharmaceuticals," Managerial and Decision Economics, 1989
"The Cost of Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry," (with J. DiMasi, R. Hansen, and L. Lasagna), Journal of Health Economics, 1991
"Return to RandD on New Drug Introductions in the 1980s," (with John Vernon), Journal of Health Economics, 1994.